Tragically, however, the second Emperor of the Suncoast would be found dead in his meditation room at the young age of just 33. Despite the warning of many, he would grow many virtues under her tuetelage, and become known as 'the Just' by his court for the exactingly precise, and meritous, judgement he could come to have whilst in this Mystic's council. Despite ending inconclusively (the Emperor's uncle would die of disease, negating the claim), this 'border skirmish' still saw the death of nearly 10,000 christian men and women between both sides of the battlefield, a death toll which made many shudder at the possibility of further war between these giants.Īs time went on, however, Emperor Stephen would turn his scholarly study to the spiritual, and became a pupil of a mysterious, and by the word of many, sorcerous young woman, a great spiritual leader from the distant lands of the Great Sky and the Sea of Grass to the north and west. His uncle desired a claim to be pressed against the Confederacy over a border county, and the Emperor saw it as an opourtunity to probe the Confederate defenses. He would also, despite his non-confrontational nature, oversee the first great war between his realm and the Confederacy. With his vast wealth, he secured the favor of much of his court, and from them, the power of his office. He saw the office of Emperor as being above and beyond the influence of any council or court of lords, and that his rule should be absolute. Emperor Stephen would see the beginning of many reforms, desiring to consolidate the power of the throne. In many ways, he was much like his namesake, the founder of this great Dynasty. Called craven by some, he was none the less brilliant in the more peaceful realms of Statecraft, and an accomplished scholar. Stephen was a shrewd king, and much unlike his father in many ways. He was succeeded by his son, Emperor Stephen. Louis was laid to rest in one of the grandest events the South had ever seen, and it was the belief of many that a ruler of his like would not be seen again for an age. Rumor and circumstance surrounded his death for years, as many felt that the successful Emperor had succumb to the plots of his many, many enemies. Tragically, however, he would die just 10 years into his Reign as Emperor. As Emperor, Louis would work to begin consolidating his realm as best he could, laying groundwork which his son would later inherit to build into a grand and powerful realm.